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NetSure Retrofit Series

DC power solutions for retrofit applications, offering a cost efficient way to upgrade and expand a legacy DC power system while keeping the existing infrastructure (cabinet and mechanics) intact.

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Particolarmente adatto per:
  • Data center/Colocation/Hosting
  • Telecomunicazioni


 Lower OPEX and increased reliability
 Energy savings thanks to improved system efficiency, up to 96%
 Increased power in existing footprint
 Reduced site cooling needs thanks to high efficiency rectifiers with lower power losses
 Eliminates rectifier legacy support issues 


 Add new technology and increase reliability without replacing the entire system
 Increased system efficiency, up to 96%
 Can be installed on live systems
 More power dense rectifiers
 High efficiency rectifiers with lower power losses
 Enables connection to remote monitoring via SNMP and web 
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Contatti di supporto prodotti

Visualizzazione dei contatti per Ohio, 43215, USA Cambia
Vertiv (Customer Service for DC Power Systems & Outdoor Enclosures)
+1 800 800 1280
Aree prodotti di interesse: Sistemi di alimentazione DC, Distribuzione dell'alimentazione, Enclosure esterne
Vertiv (Technical Support for DC Power and Outdoor Enclosures)
+1 800 800 5260
Aree prodotti di interesse: Sistemi di alimentazione DC, Enclosure esterne
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