Liebert eXL UPS
True on-line, double conversion, three-phase UPS system to support a maximum efficiency data center design. It provides high operating efficiency, high power capacity, and low PUE and TCO. Features a small footprint, and a large 10.4” touchscreen. Offers capacity-on-demand without additing footprint. Single module and 1+N Distributed Bypass available.
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- Banking Financial and Insurance
- Data CenterColocationHosting
- Government
- Healthcare
- Education
Liebert eXL UPS
True on-line, double conversion, three-phase UPS system to support a maximum efficiency data center design. It provides high operating efficiency, high power capacity, and low PUE and TCO. Features a small footprint, and a large 10.4” touchscreen. Offers capacity-on-demand without additing footprint. Single module and 1+N Distributed Bypass available.
- Banking Financial and Insurance
- Data CenterColocationHosting
- Government
- Healthcare
- Education
The Liebert eXL™ On-Line UPS is the right solution for a maximum efficiency data center – with a design that enables high operating efficiency, high capacity, and intelligent operation. Designed to enable lower installation costs and optimized operating costs, the Liebert eXL UPS supports a low PUE and total cost of ownership. 800kVA/kW and 1200kVA/kW models, scalable with capacity-on-demand technology for kW increases without additional footprint: 625/750/800kVA/kW, and 1000/1100/1200kVA/kW capacities. Single Module and 1+N Distributed Bypass systems available. Add matching battery cabinets for a complete power solution. Output voltage 480 VAC 3-phase, 3 wire.
- Liebert eXL Operation and Maintenance Manual Single and Multi Module 625-1200kVA (SL-26030)
- Liebert® Large System 3-Phase UPS Battery System Installation Manual (SL-25418)
- Liebert® Battery Interface Box Product Specs-Installation Sheet (SL-25515)
- Liebert eXL Installation Manual Single and Multi Module 625-1200kVA (SL-26085)
* Pour accéder aux téléchargements propres à des modèles particuliers, rendez-vous sur la page du produit en question en sélectionnant le nom de modèle dans le tableau de spécifications ci-dessus.