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Oxigen integrates Vertiv’s free cooling and energy-saving technology into its new high-performance data center

février 25, 2025


Recently honored with a DCM (Data Center Market) Award in the Sustainability category, Oxigen has made sustainability a core value. In collaboration with Vertiv, it has implemented innovative free cooling technology, setting a new industry benchmark for responsible data center operations.


  • Vertiv’s scalable solutions, provided via partners and directly by Vertiv, enabled Oxigen to efficiently meet its current capacity requirements while planning for future growth.
  • With additional orders placed for the PDU orders and PowerBar IMPb solutions, the expansions are structured into three phases: the first one is complete, the second is ongoing, and the third is projected to conclude by March 2025.
  • Oxigen and Vertiv will extend their collaboration, with plans to install up to 5 additional high-performance Vertiv™ Liebert® AFC chillers to support the data center’s anticipated growth.
Case Summary


Critical Need:

Oxigen faced a critical challenge of finding a cooling solution that could keep pace with its rapid growth. It needed a system that was not only scalable and reliable but also highly energy efficient. With power demands set to surge as AI and new technologies accelerate, Oxigen sought a partner who could meet its high standards.

Vertiv Solution:
  • Vertiv™ Liebert® AFC chiller
  • Vertiv™ Powerbar iMPB systems
  • Vertiv™ Geist™ rPDUs
  • Vertiv™ Liebert® CRV row-based cooling units
  • Vertiv™ Critical Insight


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