Liebert eXM
Efficient, Flexible Power Optimized for Midsize Applications The Liebert eXM UPS promises efficient and economical operation with a flexible power system that is optimized to meet the unique demands of midsize IT applications. Matching ancillary cabinets provide the ability to meet specific demands for run time, bypass and parallel requirements.
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- Banking Financial and Insurance
- Education
- Government
- Healthcare
- Retail and Wholesale
- Telecom
Liebert eXM
Efficient, Flexible Power Optimized for Midsize Applications The Liebert eXM UPS promises efficient and economical operation with a flexible power system that is optimized to meet the unique demands of midsize IT applications. Matching ancillary cabinets provide the ability to meet specific demands for run time, bypass and parallel requirements.
- Banking Financial and Insurance
- Education
- Government
- Healthcare
- Retail and Wholesale
- Telecom
been optimized to exceed 96%.