我們正在共同努力,建構一個所有關鍵技術協同工作的世界。Vertiv 是為主要電力管理和熱管理系統設計、建構任務關鍵基礎設施技術並提供服務的全球領導者。
無論您是學生、應屆畢業生還是經驗豐富的專業人士,只要您期望將一腔熱忱投入商業、技術和創新,Vertiv 就能為您提供一席之地。如果您積極上進且具有很強的領導能力,那麼 Vertiv 將提供您夢寐以求的職業生涯。
參加 Vertiv 有償暑假實習或六個月的帶薪實習,獲得真實經驗、提高技能,將所學知識應用於實作。
Vertiv 招聘能力強且具有創造性的大學部畢業生或研究所學生,電氣工程、機械工程、工業工程、電腦科學、市場行銷、採購、商業管理、金融和會計專業優先。
應屆和最近畢業的 MBA 畢業生
Vertiv 一直在尋找擁有經驗、技能,且熱心,願意在結果導向型態的企業工作,同時擁有高能力的應屆 MBA 畢業生。
Vertiv 招聘工程學(電氣/製造)在校生及近期畢業生,要求具有領導能力、優秀的溝通技巧和技術知識,有意出差和與客戶互動,能在我們的技術銷售職能部門中勝任長期發展的職位。
Vertiv 力圖吸引亞洲的頂尖人才。該計劃旨在透過一流的訓練、具有挑戰性的專案、工作輪調及 Vertiv 領導層指導,讓年輕的畢業生建立職業和技術專長,進而自我提升。
參與銷售領導、工程師和客服工程師實習生計劃的畢業生將有機會推動和支援 Vertiv 的區域成長。
At Vertiv, we are a company engineered to deliver solutions for critical technologies. And those solutions often come from having a variety of viewpoints and perspectives at the table. So it should come as no surprise that there's a spirit of inclusion found in everything we do. Having a wider range of experiences to draw from doesn't just make us a diverse company. It makes us a better company.
Vertiv works hard to create a global workplace that supports and promotes diversity, embraces inclusion and cultivates respect for the individual. We believe that bringing together bright, enthusiastic, and talented people from various backgrounds promotes the birth of new ideas and an exciting energy level.
We seek to create an employer of choice environment in terms of promotions, transfers, compensation, benefits, career mentoring, company-sponsored training, tuition assistance and social and recreational programs for our employees.
Vertiv's Equal Employment Opportunity policy ensures that there will be no discrimination or harassment against an employee or applicant on the grounds of race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, age, disability, national origin, veteran status or any other factor considered unlawful by applicable laws and regulations.