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The page you're viewing is for Polish (EMEA) region.

Rodzina produktu

Partial Discharge Testing

When electrical failure happens, the results can be catastrophic. Most electrical failure occurs because of insulation breakdown due to small electrical sparks known as partial discharge. Vertiv’s partial discharge (PD) testing and monitoring provide early warning of impending failure. Through data collection and analysis you are able to make strategic decisions about repairing or replacing your electrical equipment.

Pobierz broszurę
Idealne rozwiązanie dla:
  • Banking Financial and Insurance
  • Data CenterColocationHosting
  • Healthcare
  • Retail and Wholesale


Fewer catastrophic failures or unplanned outages are due to early identification of PD
Increased electrical system availability occurs when failure-causing PD is remedied 
Improved operating efficiency is achieved when electrical systems are free of PD that causes insulation breakdown
Reduced maintenance costs are possible as PD testing helps prioritize equipment requiring maintenance or repair
Improved risk management happens when PD is regularly monitored and addressed prior to probable failure 


Site visit and pre-screening services evaluate your electrical infrastructure to indentify and prioritize equipment for PD testing 
Online PD testing provides a non-destructive, inexpensive testing option that can be performed while your equipment is energized at normal operating voltages 
Permanently mounted sensors in hard-to-access equipment and areas facilitate safer, more efficient PD detection 
Periodic PD testing uses a portable monitor to conduct continuous monitoring ranging from one hour up to three months 
Continuous online monitoring delivers continuous and accurate information on the condition and capability of the most critical assets in your system 
Ultrasonics are used in conjunction with other PD testing technologies to increase the reliability of detection by identifying sound waves that are produced when problems occur in electric equipment
Offline PD testing measures a system’s response to a specific stress level, predicts its future performance without causing a fault, and can pinpoint the exact defect location on field-aged equipment
Tan-delta testing is a powerful offline test that measures the deterioration of insulation, detects water trees, and predicts the life expectancy of assets by comparing periodic readings 
Very low frequency (VLF) testing is a go/no-got test that checks the AC integrity of an electrical asset

Znajdź kontakt w Twoim regionie

Kontakt z działem wsparcia produktowego

Pokazane kontakty dla Ohio, 43215, USA Zmień
Emergency Response for Services
+1 800 543 2378
Kluczowe obszary usług: Usługi projektowe, Usługi optymalizacji wydajności
Geist Support - Americas (Rack PDU and Watchdog)
+1 888 630 4445
1777 Yolande Avenue Lincoln Nebraska USA
Kluczowe obszary usług: Usługi projektowe, Usługi optymalizacji wydajności, Reagowanie awaryjne, Konserwacja prewencyjna, Konserwacja prewencyjna aplikacji przemysłowych, Usługi zdalne, Części zapasowe i zarządzanie częściami
Vertiv (Liebert Services)
+1 800 543 2378
610 Executive Campus Drive Westerville Ohio 43082 USA
Kluczowe obszary usług: Usługi projektowe, Usługi optymalizacji wydajności, Szkolenia, Reagowanie awaryjne, Konserwacja prewencyjna, Konserwacja prewencyjna aplikacji przemysłowych, Usługi zdalne, Części zapasowe i zarządzanie częściami
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