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Rodzina produktu

Arc Flash Studies

Arc flash incidents are highly concentrated radiant thermal energy resulting from an arcing fault between two points. These potentially devastating events kill or injure people every day. An up-to-date arc flash study helps mitigate these hazards by calculating the limited and restricted approach boundaries inside which workers must use appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE).

Pobierz broszurę
Idealne rozwiązanie dla:
  • Data CenterColocationHosting
  • Healthcare
  • Manufacturing
  • Oil and Gas
  • Power Generation
  • PowerGas Transmission and Distribution


Improved regulatory compliance results from performing arc flash hazard analysis in accordance with industry guidelines 
Improved worker safety is achieved by identifying potential hazards and implementing recommendations to mitigate risk 
Greater productivity occurs by reducing business disruption and lost man hours that can result from arc flash incidents 
Enhanced system performance results from improved maintenance practices and preventing equipment damage 


Data collection includes critical equipment information that is necessary to perform accurate arc flash hazard analysis
Arc flash calculations are performed with state-of-the-art software and in accordance with the standards of NFPA and IEEE
Comprehensive report, including the results of the hazard analysis and expert recommendations, helps ensure compliance with OSHA and NFPA standards

Znajdź kontakt w Twoim regionie

Kontakt z działem wsparcia produktowego

Pokazane kontakty dla Ohio, 43215, USA Zmień
Emergency Response for Services
+1 800 543 2378
Kluczowe obszary usług: Usługi projektowe, Usługi optymalizacji wydajności
Geist Support - Americas (Rack PDU and Watchdog)
+1 888 630 4445
1777 Yolande Avenue Lincoln Nebraska USA
Kluczowe obszary usług: Usługi projektowe, Usługi optymalizacji wydajności, Reagowanie awaryjne, Konserwacja prewencyjna, Konserwacja prewencyjna aplikacji przemysłowych, Usługi zdalne, Części zapasowe i zarządzanie częściami
Vertiv (Liebert Services)
+1 800 543 2378
610 Executive Campus Drive Westerville Ohio 43082 USA
Kluczowe obszary usług: Usługi projektowe, Usługi optymalizacji wydajności, Szkolenia, Reagowanie awaryjne, Konserwacja prewencyjna, Konserwacja prewencyjna aplikacji przemysłowych, Usługi zdalne, Części zapasowe i zarządzanie częściami

Często zadawane pytania

What is an arcing fault?
An arcing fault is the flow of current through the air between phase conductors or phase conductors and neutral or ground.
What causes an electrical arc?
An arc occurs when electric current flows between two or more separated energized conducting surfaces. Some arcs are caused by human error including dropped tools, accidental contact with electrical systems, and improper work procedures. Another common cause of an arc is insulation failure.
What can happen if I am exposed to arc flash?
Exposure to an arc flash frequently results in a variety of serious injuries, and in some cases, death. Workers have been injured even though they were 10 feet or more away from the arc center.
What can I do to reduce my risk to arc flash exposure?
Preventive maintenance, worker training, and an effective safety program can significantly reduce arc flash exposure.
Are all arcs equal?
No. You must conduct a hazard assessment to determine the level (intensity) of energy from the arc in calories. Then you can determine the proper personal protective equipment (PPE) needed.
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