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The Impact of Cloud and the Internet of Things on Datacenter Demand

To gain a deeper understanding of various factors, such as edge computing and IoT, which could boost demand for leased datacenter space going forward, 451 Research polled decision-makers in more than 700 companies who have responsibility for selecting their company’s IT and storage services.


  1. Multi-tenant datacenter (MTDC) providers with interconnection or managed services will fare well amid the growing demand for off-premises deployments. Providers without either of these (i.e., those offering pure colocation) should consider acquiring or developing additional service offerings to support demand for multiple services under a single contract.
  2. Managed services that simplify public cloud use or make it more secure, as well as private cloud options, are becoming more important to customers. There are still plenty of factors that hinder public cloud adoption or make private cloud appealing.
  3. The public cloud brings specific challenges that colocation providers and telecom operators are uniquely advantaged to address based on the number and geographic reach of their points of presence and their local and/or vertical expertise.
  4. The emergence of IoT creates a new battleground regarding computing capacity location and offers numerous opportunities for MTDCs, colocation facilities owners and telecom providers.
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