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Connecting West Africa to the World

Africa, a continent exploding in population growth and technology needed better connectivity to the rest of the world. This demand was met by a leading provider of connectivity and data centre services for businesses in West Africa MainOne

“Our objective is to put Africa on the map and precipitate the growth of industries powered by technology. By investing in and bringing meaningful technology solutions to businesses, we support West Africans in their quest for improved productivity and efficiency through dedicated and reliable connectivity services.”

Interview with Funke Opeke

MainOne set out on a mission to bridge the digital divide between Africa and the rest of the world. Our goal was to fill the huge gaps in internet infrastructure that existed across all nations in West Africa. It all began with the deployment of a landmark undersea cable from Europe to Nigeria, bringing much needed high-speed internet to the region.

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One of the first major challenges we encountered came from the lack of a metro fibre infrastructure and terrestrial cable networks in Nigeria. Such networks are necessary to provide access and push the traffic to various customers around the country. Our undersea cable connection triggered investments in metro fibre infrastructure for the country’s most populous city, Lagos, and more recently in the states of Ogun and Edo.

In order to further accelerate the proliferation of broadband and trigger digital transformation in the region, MainOne will continue to invest in new data centre real estate, as we have already done in Nigeria, Ghana, Ivory Coast, and Senegal

Funke Opeke
CEO, MainOne
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MainOne continues to work towards bridging the digital divide in the continent by increasing broadband penetration through more fibre builds, data centre investments, and satellite partnerships.

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