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SiteWeb® Monitoring System

Real time, centralized power and environment monitoring system with a modular and open design for the precise management of BTS power equipment and environment.

Idealne rozwiązanie dla:
  • Telecom
  • Banking Financial and Insurance
  • Education
  • Government
  • Healthcare
  • Retail and Wholesale


SiteWeb is a classic IoT application , SiteWeb monitoring system collects data from all power and environment equipment across the telecom network for centralized managing and processing of data. Every single power voltage, current ,environment temperature, and security factors in the telecom network are instantly managed and analyzed.
Reduce the total cost of ownership (TCO) and OPEX  of Telecom Infrastructures/ Facilities
Proactively manage energy usage 
Predict infrastructure/facility failures before they occur 
Optimize  network power and environment 
Communicate with and control heterogeneous equipment with different communication protocols and physical interfaces 
Automate policies and heuristic procedures to reduce operational costs 
Extend the useful life of existing Telecom Infrastructures/ Facilities


B/S architecture makes all functions accessible in IE without installing the customer software convenient for accessing the system
Extra large capacity to support 50,000 BTSs
Hardware processing unit greatly reduces the number of equipment in the monitoring center, saving space and maintenance workload for the system
Data flow utilizes an active reporting mechanism enabling timely response
Multi-channel data transmission enables real-time monitoring, preventing failures caused by database errors
DS server supports multi-unit backup, while the automatic load balance avoids bottleneck of widespread faults caused by the traditional monitor master
Third-level storage safeguard and automatic memory ensures data integrity of the centralized power and environment monitoring system

Znajdź kontakt w Twoim regionie

Kontakt z działem wsparcia produktowego

Pokazane kontakty dla Ohio, 43215, USA Zmień
Vertiv Monitoring Software (Power Assist, Power Insight and MSP Control Center)
+1 800 222 5877, option 2
Ohio USA
Kluczowe obszary produktów: Oprogramowanie
Vertiv Software Support (Environet Alert and Geist NIC cards)
+1 800 222 5877, option 7
Ohio USA
Kluczowe obszary produktów: Oprogramowanie
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