Liebert® CROSS Rack, 16-63 A STS
Available in 16, 32 and 63 A, Liebert® CROSS Rack exists in both high voltage (230 V) and low voltage (120 V), single-phase input and single-phase output models.
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- Banking Financial and Insurance
- Data CenterColocationHosting
- Healthcare
- Retail and Wholesale
- Transportation
Liebert® CROSS Rack, 16-63 A STS
Available in 16, 32 and 63 A, Liebert® CROSS Rack exists in both high voltage (230 V) and low voltage (120 V), single-phase input and single-phase output models.
- Banking Financial and Insurance
- Data CenterColocationHosting
- Healthcare
- Retail and Wholesale
- Transportation
Specyfikacja techniczna
In addition to the protection offered by UPS units, Liebert® CROSS Rack ensures a further level of safety, having the ability to switch between alternative power sources. The advanced control 'break before make' (BBM) switching feature, provides high safety for all loads in all operational modes and its reduced dimensions make it ideal for mission critical environments where footprint is a key issue.

*Aby przejść do materiałów do pobrania dotyczących konkretnych modeli, należy przejść na stronę wybranego modelu produktu, wybierając nazwę w tabeli zawierającej specyfikację techniczną powyżej.