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What is Environet™ Alert?

Environet™ Alert is a real-time monitoring software for critical data center infrastructure, providing alarms and alerts within one view (single pane of glass).

What type of equipment does Environet™ Alert monitor?

Environet™ Alert monitors a variety of critical data center and facility infrastructure, including power, thermal and environmental monitoring equipment.

Which protocols does Environet™ Alert use to communicate with equipment?

Environet™ Alert natively (direct to the server) supports SNMP, Modbus TCP/IP and BACnet IP. It also supports other serial communications via an IP protocol converter.

Does Environet™ Alert only monitor Vertiv™ equipment?

Environet™ Alert is capable of supporting both Vertiv™ and third-party equipment.

Where do I install Environet™ Alert and how do I access the software?

The installation of Environet™ Alert is completed on a customer-provided server (physical or VM) running Windows OS. A full list of server recommendations is included in the product datasheet found here. The software is accessed via a standard browser on a computer connected to the same network as the server.

Is Environet™ Alert similar to Nform?

Yes, there are many similarities between Environet™ Alert and Liebert® Nform – with remote monitoring of critical equipment at the core of each solution. Environet™ Alert offers an updated user interface with various graphical and functional upgrades.

Does Environet™ Alert require Vertiv™ services for installation and start-up?

Vertiv™ Services are optional with Environet™ Alert, with self-install and start-up services both available. After install, all additions and changes can be completed via the user interface.

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