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Use intelligent power distribution units to disseminate power to your racks and to precisely monitor and manage data center consumption.

What is a Rack PDU?

Rack Power Distribution Units (rPDUs) are the last link in the power chain and ensure delivery of critical power to IT loads.

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What is a Smart PDU? (And How is it Different from a Basic PDU?)

A smart PDU goes beyond distributing power to data center IT equipment. It is also capable of monitoring, managing, and controlling power consumption to multiple devices.

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What is an Intelligent PDU?

An intelligent PDU, or smart PDU, goes beyond distributing power to data center IT equipment. It is capable of monitoring, managing, and controlling power consumption to multiple devices.

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Your Guide to Buying a Power Distribution Unit (PDU)

Finding a reliable Power Distribution Unit (PDU) might be time-consuming, but this guide will help you expedite your PDU buying without hesitations.

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How to avoid downtime with redundant rack PDUs

Discover how the right rack PDU or smart power distribution unit can ensure the redundancy and efficiency your power infrastructure requires.

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The Top 5 Features You'll Want in Your Next Remote Power Distribution Cabinet

As a data center leader, you need to ensure the constant availability of your critical assets. To achieve that goal, it’s vital that you select the right solutions for remote power distribution.

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Benefits of intelligent power distribution

Power management is crucial in order to ensure its proper usage throughout the data center; too much power use can mean higher energy bills, and too little can indicate issues with the equipment.

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What type of PDU is right for your data center?

At first glance, your choice in power distribution unit might seem like it has little bearing on facility performance. But the enormity of this decision becomes apparent upon closer inspection.

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