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Integrated Solutions

Create a total critical infrastructure solution with building blocks of equipment or systems that are designed to work together to meet your unique needs.

Knowledge to Support Accelerated Business Growth

A single destination to learn and explore the latest information in Edge and Data Center IT infrastructure solutions.

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Vertiv Integrated Solutions

The reality of the IT landscape today is that many applications have changed the traditional definition of the data center.

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Building Blocks to Develop Your Total Infrastructure Solution

Discover expert designed IT infrastructure solutions with proven success in diverse environments and countless applications.

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Realize the Full Potential of Vertiv Solutions

Get the most out of Vertiv™ IT infrastructure with expert recommendations on deployment, configuration, and management.

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Knowledge Studio: Traditional Data Center

Data Centers are climate-controlled environments varying in size with air conditioning and airflow management in place providing temperature and humidity optimization specifically designed for IT equipment.

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Knowledge Studio: IT Closet

An IT Closet is a climate-controlled small enclosed environment with air conditioning and airflow management in place providing temperature and humidity optimization specifically designed for IT equipment.

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Solution Builder: Traditional Data Center

Data Centers are climate-controlled environments varying in size with air conditioning and airflow management in place providing temperature and humidity optimization specifically designed for IT equipment.

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Knowledge Studio: Small Office

A Small Office is a climate-controlled environment with air conditioning and limited airflow management in place for human comfort providing limited temperature and humidity optimization for IT equipment.

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Knowledge Studio: Commercial

Commercial locations are climate-controlled environments with air conditioning in place for human comfort with temperature, humidity, and air quality control challenges putting IT equipment at risk of damage from uncontrolled heat, dust, or moisture.

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Solution Builder: IT Closet

An IT Closet is a climate-controlled small enclosed environment with air conditioning and airflow management in place providing temperature and humidity optimization specifically designed for IT equipmen

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Solution Builder: Small Office

A Small Office is a climate-controlled environment with air conditioning and limited airflow management in place for human comfort providing limited temperature and humidity optimization for IT equipment.

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Knowledge Studio: Industrial

Industrial sites are uncontrolled indoor environments that are protected from extreme weather conditions such as rain, snow, and direct sunlight but have little to no control over temperature, humidity, or contaminants such as dust and debris that could damage IT equipment.

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Knowledge Studio: Outdoor

Outdoor sites are uncontrolled environments without any protection from extreme weather conditions such as rain, snow, or direct sunlight with no control over temperature, humidity, or air quality.

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Solution Builder: Commercial

Commercial locations are climate-controlled environments with air conditioning in place for human comfort with temperature, humidity, and air quality control challenges putting IT equipment at risk of damage from uncontrolled heat, dust, or moisture.

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Solution Builder: Industrial

Industrial sites are uncontrolled indoor environments that are protected from extreme weather conditions such as rain, snow, and direct sunlight but have little to no control over temperature, humidity, or contaminants such as dust and debris that could damage IT equipment.

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Solution Builder: Outdoor

Outdoor sites are uncontrolled environments without any protection from extreme weather conditions such as rain, snow, or direct sunlight with no control over temperature, humidity, or air quality.

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Solution Builder: Traditional Data Center

Data Centers are climate-controlled environments varying in size with air conditioning and airflow management in place providing temperature and humidity optimization specifically designed for IT equipment.

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