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- Vertiv Environet Remote Monitoring Software
Monitor All Your Critical Infrastructure
the Way You Need To
Vertiv™ Environet™ Connect is a cloud-based platform that allows you to manage and monitor your physical infrastructure anytime and anywhere. This solution provides centralized SNMP device management that is vendor-neutral. With Environet Connect, you can monitor, trend, and alarm your data effectively and organize it in a centralized location. You can customize your dashboards and reports to gain visibility into the exact data you need. Environet Connect ensures greater efficiency, reduces risk, and provides peace of mind. Vertiv also provides expert services to assist with startup, ongoing software version upgrades, and more.
Start your free trial
Cloud-Based Management Offering
Environet Connect can handle a wide range of applications and devices. It supports large fleets of different types of Vertiv SNMP-enabled devices and thousands of data points, managing them through the parallel running of multiple agents.
In Environet Connect, data is encrypted at rest, in transit, and during use. The end-to-end encryption protects and ensures data integrity and confidentiality. Moreover, users can get the latest software version through seamless updates and access new features and supported devices as soon as they are released.
Environet™ Connect is accessible from anywhere through its user-friendly, web-based, device-agnostic interface and cross-platform compatibility designed to work seamlessly on mobile and desktop environments.
Environet Connect supports the easy addition and integration of all Vertiv devices using auto device discovery, enabling faster and more efficient deployment and management.
Environet Connect supports remote firmware upgrades of Vertiv and various product families that support SNMP connectivity. Bulk firmware upgrades and configuration updates are available out-of-the-box for all tiered service subscriptions.
Environet Connect supports third-party devices by simply integrating a templating model based on the customer's needs (available upon request).
Vertiv offers industry-leading comprehensive software services. Factory—trained and certified technicians support the entire portfolio of Vertiv™ products. Local Vertiv technical experts are available to respond quickly to any needs. Environet Connect has a choice of tiered digital services to meet various customer needs.
Additional Resources

Elevate your IT physical infrastructure with Vertiv™ Environet™ Connect
Organizations are discovering that effectively managing and monitoring distributed physical infrastructure has become crucial in the face of rapid digital transformation.

Vertiv™ Environet™ Connect FAQs
Environet™ Connect is a secure cloud-based software platform for managing and monitoring assets. It offers fleet management capabilities, including bulk provisioning, device settings, firmware *updates, and monitoring features such as trending and alarming.