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Welcome to SmartMod! Come on in!

Immerse yourself in the 3D exploration of your future Tier III-Ready prefabricated data center

Get in the know first

Getting the right balance when scaling your data center capacity to meet the increasing demand without drilling your budget is a big enough challenge. You already know you’ll need flexible and agile technology to do it fast and safe. Reduce those risks by virtually walking inside your future data center capacity. Enjoy your exploration!

Searching for something specific in the solution you need?

Building a new data center in a short timeframe is nearly impossible.
Until we’ll make it happen together.

Look around you. Gone are the days when scaling your data center capacity meant overbuilding based on uncertain estimates of future needs, when meeting availability requirements meant sacrifices made in efficiency and deployment times that took years. Not to mention the resources needed for it. So, let’s see how you can securely deploy resilient data center capacity virtually anywhere:

Where you need it, when you need it

Easy on-site install and startup, with no quality-related risks, with all the subsystems in SmartMod prefabricated data center factory installed and securely delivered to you.

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Who said you need to choose between efficiency and availability?

Choices become desires when you don’t have to compromise performance for availability. Especially when you pull the strings. Combine the modular and scalable power protection from the Liebert® UPS power protection systems, with the close-coupled in-row Liebert® CRV thermal management units with intelligent iCOM controls, add smart power distribution systems and a thermal containment that isolates your hot and cold airflows for optimal performance and voilà, your SmartMod is ready.

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Speed isn’t everything. It also needs to be safe.

Although the chances are slim, a certain degree of risk is still there, and you’d better strive for the best, but prepare for the worst. Maintenance is safe and easy with everything, from piping, to electrical distribution and fiber ducts installed in your SmartMod’s overhead infrastructure. In case of an emergency, your pre-installed Automatic Transfer Switch reliably selects normal or emergency power sources, for your systems to be safe. If that emergency turns into hazard, your clean agent fire suppression system with VESDA early smoke detection is there for you.

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Build for today, prepare for tomorrow

Scaling your data center capacity is a balancing act. For you to get the right balance and avoid wasted CapEx, while keeping your OpEx down, the technology you’ll use needs not only to be flexible and agile, but also scalable and modular. It needs to fully cover your current needs, while being able to be expanded for coping with future demand. We’re here to work with you towards that goal side by side and hope you’ve enjoyed the ride inside SmartMod.

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Ready to Scale?

We’re a couple of clicks or a phone call away. Connect to our experts and tailor your solution for the scalability, efficiency, and availability you need.

Give us a call+385 91 4153 594

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Po otrzymaniu i zapoznaniu się z niniejszą polityką prywatności w zakresie przetwarzania danych osobowych (dostarczanych zgodnie z Artykułem 13 Rozporządzenia UE 679/2016), wyrażam zgodę na:

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