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Wielu klientów współpracuje z resellerem i/lub partnerem Vertiv, a następnie kupuje produkty Vertiv dla własnych zastosowań IT. Partnerzy są gruntownie przeszkoleni, posiadają odpowiednie doświadczenie oraz są dobrze przygotowani do konfigurowania, oferowania i wspierania rozwiązań oraz infrastruktury IT, przy użyciu produktów Vertiv.

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{54ecdbb6-8c2a-4ce3-837d-ec36cc0952a0}_location-pin.jpg Fira Gran Via, Barcelona View Map

Booth no. 2O41

Architecting the Telecom Edge

Consumers today are craving for more data and faster broadband speeds. Against this backdrop, telecom operators are faced with the challenge of expanding their network footprint and bringing connectivity closer to customers. Relying on the core data centre may not be effective and cost-efficient for operators. Strengthening the network edge needs to be considered. If you’re evaluating edge deployment in your network, speak to Vertiv at MWC 2020 for helpful guidance and advice.

Book a Meeting at MWC

Zgoda na politykę prywatności

Po otrzymaniu i zapoznaniu się z niniejszą polityką prywatności w zakresie przetwarzania danych osobowych (dostarczanych zgodnie z Artykułem 13 Rozporządzenia UE 679/2016), wyrażam zgodę na:

The Mobile Edge: Who will build it? Who will own it? Who will pay for it? Listen live at 20 Feb 2020, 15:00 GMT

Growth at the Edge is a continuing trend as we move into 2020. There is no doubt that 5G will require edge compute and service providers recognize the major opportunity here but who is set to win the mobile edge race? What will it look like? Who will own it? Who will pay for it? 

Register now

Award-Winning Energy Savings as a Service Deployment for Telefónica

ESaaS is an exciting business model that revolutionises the way large organisations optimise their infrastructure. Vertiv’s agreement with Telefónica to design, invest, implement, operate and maintain the critical power and thermal management solutions within their Madrid facility while guaranteeing savings. This project enabled Telefónica to realise its energy saving ambition within its most important site that provides fibre optic access to approximately 100,000 households.

Watch the case study video.


The Best Bits from MWC 2019

It was all about the rise of the 5G networks and where it all begins: at the network edge. Together with 451 Research, we examined the impact of 5G on today’s telecom networks and what edge computing infrastructure is going to be necessary for its development.

Read the report

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