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Uninterruptible Power Supply

Uninterruptible power supply (UPS) systems secure uptime of large data centers and provide facility-wide protection for sensitive electronics. They have redundant configurations and dual bus capabilities to make sure your critical systems will keep running during power disturbances such as blackouts, brownouts, sags, surges or noise interference.

These UPS systems allow modular configuration of a completely redundant power and control system, sized to match the capacity of the protected equipment. When power requirements change, capacity is easily added without increasing the system footprint.

Some systems scale from 15 to 45kW in a cabinet configuration that includes internal batteries, or from 15 to 90kW in 15kW increments in a configuration that reserves a cabinet for capacity that is paired with an external battery cabinet. This approach allows for right-sizing of the UPS system, resulting in improved energy efficiency and reduced power expenditures.

Vertiv Data Center and Facility UPS systems are suited for server rooms, telecommunications or process control centers, remote facilities, enterprise data centers and collocation facilities.

View Uninterruptible Power Supplies Products

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