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Important Considerations When Implementing DCIM

Implementations in the data center are usually about technology—a new device providing greater power, speed, flexibility and so forth. It’s not to say that DCIM isn’t a technology, but it’s important to realize that DCIM isn’t just a technology implementation—it’s a business solution for your data center. This means it should be implemented in the same way a new business solution is introduced. Here are some considerations to keep in mind:

  • Think big, but start small.​
    Define the strategic, long-term goals for your DCIM initiatives. Then, rather than going for the big bang, identify the most pressing issues related to the overall strategy and implement the DCIM capabilities in phases to reap value incrementally. Learn more about determining which DCIM functions are essential.
  • Create a strong partnership.​
    Modern business application development uses an agile, iterative approach with business and IT working as partners. Because DCIM can transform your IT and Facilities operations, collaboration between these groups is essential. As part of the transformation, people will do their jobs in new ways, so it is important to help them understand how these changes will benefit them, allow them to participate in the transformation process and train them to succeed.
  • Capacity Planning and Management.​
    With the ability to accurately plan power and cooling requirements, what are the savings in delayed equipment purchases and/or building a new data center? In addition, with tools that make capacity planning easier and faster, how much time per day is your staff saving on this task?
  • Implementation is just the beginning of the journey.​
    Because change is on-going, DCIM reflects the fluid nature of the data center, providing the flexibility and agility needed to support changing requirements. As you implement DCIM in your organization, revisit your plan regularly, adjusting it to suit changing needs and priorities.

Powiązane artykuły

Selling DCIM Internally Image

Tematy artykułów

Selling DCIM Internally
Return on Investment Image

Tematy artykułów

Return on Investment
Essential DCIM Functions Image

Tematy artykułów

Essential DCIM Functions
Evaluating the Promise of DCIM Image

Tematy artykułów

Evaluating the Promise of DCIM
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