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Three Things the C-Suite Wants to Hear

Every executive needs to understand the value of a new technology, and that is certainly the case with DCIM, which can be a sizable investment. Here are three important topics to address with your executive team.

How does DCIM enhance the business?

DCIM’s capabilities align nicely with business goals, such as using DCIM for capacity management in order to reduce downtime and data center equipment purchases. This supports the business by delivering great service with high availability and performance while freeing up capital to grow the business. You can quantify this value using tools like our ROI calculator.

What makes DCIM a better choice than other solutions?

One of the most successful changes in how data centers operate has been virtualization, which helps data centers optimize the use of network and server hardware by increasing or decreasing capacity to manage ever-changing loads. DCIM takes virtualization to the next level—enabling you to “virtualize” power, cooling and space in order to optimize their use and make your data center far more agile. No other technology allows you to “virtualize” your data center infrastructure.

What is the cost in money, time, and resources for implementation?

DCIM is not just a technology, but a business solution for the data center, promoting far greater efficiency and effectiveness throughout the organization. Its implementation requires the same investment, care and thought as any mission-critical business solution, with long and short-term goals, robust communication and change management and on-going reassessment to align DCIM’s capabilities with your data center’s needs and priorities. Learn more about implementation.

Powiązane artykuły

Essential DCIM Functions Image

Tematy artykułów

Essential DCIM Functions
Return on Investment Image

Tematy artykułów

Return on Investment
Evaluating the Promise of DCIM Image

Tematy artykułów

Evaluating the Promise of DCIM
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