Liebert AC8 Controller
Autochangeover controllers are ideal for coordinated control of systems with redundant data center infrastructure equipment, such as multiple environmental units or pumps. When the controller detects an alarm in an operating device, a standby device is enabled and the device in alarm is either disabled or left operating as configured.
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- Banking, Financial and Insurance
- Data Center/Colocation/Hosting
- Government
- Healthcare
- Telecom
Liebert AC8 Controller
Autochangeover controllers are ideal for coordinated control of systems with redundant data center infrastructure equipment, such as multiple environmental units or pumps. When the controller detects an alarm in an operating device, a standby device is enabled and the device in alarm is either disabled or left operating as configured.
- Banking, Financial and Insurance
- Data Center/Colocation/Hosting
- Government
- Healthcare
- Telecom