Liebert® CROSS Cabinet STS, 160-1250 A
Available in 160-1250 A, Liebert® CROSS Cabinet exists with three-phase input and three-phase output models with three or four poles. Liebert CROSS Cabinet ensures redundant power to critical through its ability to switch between two independent alternative power sources.
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- Banking Financial and Insurance
- Data CenterColocationHosting
- Healthcare
- Manufacturing
- Transportation
Liebert® CROSS Cabinet STS, 160-1250 A
Available in 160-1250 A, Liebert® CROSS Cabinet exists with three-phase input and three-phase output models with three or four poles. Liebert CROSS Cabinet ensures redundant power to critical through its ability to switch between two independent alternative power sources.
- Banking Financial and Insurance
- Data CenterColocationHosting
- Healthcare
- Manufacturing
- Transportation
Available in 160-1250 A, Liebert® CROSS Cabinet exists with three-phase input and three-phase output models with three or four poles. Liebert CROSS Cabinet ensures redundant power to critical through its ability to switch between two independent alternative power sources. The advanced control logic of Liebert CROSS Cabinet provides the highest safety for the load, through a 'break before make' switching, available for any UPS operational mode and any kind of load. Liebert CROSS Cabinet is provided with inputs for the external switching devices’ auxiliary contacts. An LCD display visualizes over 50 of Liebert CROSS Cabinet’s operating parameters. The messages can be accessed by pushbuttons and the text is available in six languages.

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