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- 상품 및 서비스
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- UPS & Battery Services
- Preventive Maintenance Services
Preventive Maintenance Services
Protect Power System Availability
Contact Us About Preventive Maintenance ServicesDuring an interruption to your primary power supply, you rely on your UPS to maintain power to critical equipment and systems.
더 보기Vertiv Liebert UPS units are designed for reliability, but they do contain components that must be proactively serviced to ensure proper functionality if needed.
더 보기Arguably the weakest links in the power chain, batteries are a leading root cause of data center downtime. A single bad cell in a string can put your entire backup power system at risk. Increase your battery availability by implementing a battery maintenance program that identifies system anomalies and trends end-of-life to help you make informed decisions.
더 보기Your UPS system relies on fully functioning batteries. Knowing when UPS battery failure is imminent allows you to repair or replace in order to avoid costly downtime. The only way to gain this knowledge is through continuous monitoring of your batteries. By combining regular, on-site battery service with remote monitoring and maintenance, you can significantly improve system availability through early detection of potential problems, and rapid response to battery defects and degradation.
Circuit breakers play a critical role in protecting the people and equipment in your critical facility, and are integral in limiting the damage should a fault occur. But like all electrical components, circuit breakers can and do fail. Comprehensive NETA-based testing and maintenance services ensure circuit breakers work when they are needed
Your UPS and battery backup systems are essential to keeping business-critical equipment online during power loss, but that is only a short-term solution. Being able to support your data center’s critical load during an extended utility outage means having a backup generator that has been properly maintained.