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- 상품 및 서비스
- GXT5 Lithium-Ion 5-10k Accessories
- Management and Monitoring
Management and Monitoring
Management and Monitoring
Part Number | Description |
The Vertiv™ Liebert® IntelliSlot RDU101 Communications Card enables communication between Vertiv™ products such as Trellis™ Enterprise, Trellis™ Power Insight and LIFE™ Services. It provides web access, data via SNMP and Modbus TCP for Vertiv equipment. Environmental sensor data is provided via web and SNMP. |
The Vertiv™ Liebert® IntelliSlot IS-RELAY card provides contact closure for remote monitoring of alarm conditions in your GXT5 UPS |
Intellislot Relay Card |
Environmental Sensors (For use with RDU-101)
Part Number | Description |
SN-2D |
Two-Door Switch Monitor Sensor Probe With Two Inputs |
SN-3C |
Three Dry Contact Input Monitor Sensor |
SN-L20 |
Leak Detection sensor |
SN-T |
Sensor Single Modular Temperature Probe |
Modular Sensor | Temperature Humidity Rack Monitoring |
SN-Z01 |
Integrated Temperature Sensor |
SN-Z02 |
Integrated Temperature Sensor |
SN-Z03 |
Integrated Temperature and Humidity Sensor |
UPS Management Software
Part Number | Description |
Vertiv™ Power Insight is free software that helps improve efficiency, protects valuable critical equipment, and increases visibility of your network enabled UPSs and rPDUs. It is a web-based application designed for users with a distributed infrastructure who need a way to manage multiple devices. For use with the RDU101 network card. |
Vertiv™ Power Assist is free software used to gracefully shutdown an IT device when the UPS battery backup experiences a threatening condition. The software notifies users of an event, displays key metrics and logs historical data. It is easy to install and protects computers from damage and data loss during a power event. For use with a USB connection. |