Liebert EFC, Evaporative Freecooling Solution
The Liebert EFC is equipped with the most advanced industry technology. The system includes indirect air-to-air heat exchange and evaporative cooling technology all in one footprint. The Liebert EFC is capable of reducing air temperatures by leveraging on the evaporative cooling principle. Through this technology, the Liebert EFC can thus achieve pPUE levels of 1.03 ensuring top energy efficiency, as well as minimized operating costs.
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- Banking Financial and Insurance
- Broadcast and Entertainment
- Construction and Engineering
- Data CenterColocationHosting
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Liebert EFC, Evaporative Freecooling Solution
The Liebert EFC is equipped with the most advanced industry technology. The system includes indirect air-to-air heat exchange and evaporative cooling technology all in one footprint. The Liebert EFC is capable of reducing air temperatures by leveraging on the evaporative cooling principle. Through this technology, the Liebert EFC can thus achieve pPUE levels of 1.03 ensuring top energy efficiency, as well as minimized operating costs.
- Banking Financial and Insurance
- Broadcast and Entertainment
- Construction and Engineering
- Data CenterColocationHosting
- Government
- Retail and Wholesale
- Telecom
- Transportation
Indirect evaporative freecooling units, equipped with the most advanced industry technology, including indirect air-to-air heat exchange and evaporative cooling technology all in one footprint, ensuring top energy efficiency and minimized operating costs.


*모델별 다운로드를 보려면 위 사양 차트에서 모델명을 선택하여 모델별 제품 페이지로 가야 합니다.