Vertiv™ Liebert® APM2 30-600kW, 400V
Introducing a next-generation modular and transformerless UPS design, Vertiv™ Liebert® APM2, a feature-rich high-density UPS that brings exceptional and innovative features for mission-critical applications. Powered by latest generation three-level IGBT topology in conjunction with Silicon Carbide converter, it delivers an extraordinary double conversion efficiency of up to 97.5% that ensures remarkable operational cost savings, reducing both the Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) and the environmental impact.
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- Data Center/Colocation/Hosting
- Education
- Fire/Alarm/Security
- Government
- Healthcare
- Manufacturing
- Telecom
- Transportation
Vertiv™ Liebert® APM2 30-600kW, 400V
Introducing a next-generation modular and transformerless UPS design, Vertiv™ Liebert® APM2, a feature-rich high-density UPS that brings exceptional and innovative features for mission-critical applications. Powered by latest generation three-level IGBT topology in conjunction with Silicon Carbide converter, it delivers an extraordinary double conversion efficiency of up to 97.5% that ensures remarkable operational cost savings, reducing both the Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) and the environmental impact.
- Data Center/Colocation/Hosting
- Education
- Fire/Alarm/Security
- Government
- Healthcare
- Manufacturing
- Telecom
- Transportation
*모델별 다운로드를 보려면 위 사양 차트에서 모델명을 선택하여 모델별 제품 페이지로 가야 합니다.