Liebert GXT3 UPS
Liebert GXT3™ true on-line uninterruptible power system (UPS) combines low cost of ownership with rich functionality, small size and high capacity. The UPS offers internal batteries, optional external batteries, and internal bypass capability, resulting in continuous uptime for the connected equipment.
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Liebert GXT3 UPS
Liebert GXT3™ true on-line uninterruptible power system (UPS) combines low cost of ownership with rich functionality, small size and high capacity. The UPS offers internal batteries, optional external batteries, and internal bypass capability, resulting in continuous uptime for the connected equipment.
- Banking Financial and Insurance
- Education
- Healthcare
- Professional Services
- Retail and Wholesale
- Government
Designed for rack-mount or tower application. Base 1000-3000VA models are just 2U high. The 5kVA and 6kVA, 4U models; and 8kVA and 10kVA, 6U models. All models are available with output of 120/208V. Please note that the internal batteries for the Liebert GXT3 5kVa to 10kVA UPS must be ordered separately, and will ship separately. Depending upon the model you select, there may also be a separate POD required.
- liebert-gxt3-ups-EMERSON-1
- Liebert GXT3 UPS, Quick Start Guide, 5kVA - 6kVA RT208
- Liebert GXT3 UPS, Quick Start Guide, 6kVA RT630 [Discontinued Product]
- Liebert GXT3 UPS, Quick Start Guide, 8kVA - 10kVA RT208
- Liebert GXT3 Visio Shapes
- Liebert GXT3 UPS, User Manual, 5kVA - 10kVA, 6000RTL630 [Discontinued Product]
*모델별 다운로드를 보려면 위 사양 차트에서 모델명을 선택하여 모델별 제품 페이지로 가야 합니다.