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Energy Storage Solutions

Generate Revenues with Fast Response Grid Support Solutions

We Did.

Growth of Advances MicroGrid Solutions is something we’ve anticipated. A global provider of critical energy for over two decades, Vertiv develops technologies that enable operators to transact with energy suppliers to generate revenues from power infrastructure, whilst also ensuring the highest levels of resiliency.

New Revenue Sources and Cost Saving Opportunities Available to Your Data Centre

Offering your site's energy demand flexibility will enable access to new revenue streams and cost saving opportunities. With a focus on your site's primary function these benefits can be realised without operational impact.

AC Power Services

Provide rapid flexibility and enable participation in highest value markets

  • Primary mission can be set locally to ignore instructions that would impact resiliency


Offer increased site energy demand flexibility for now revenue streams

  • Called on a similar number of cycles to their regular maintenance schedule

Battery Systems

Traditional VRLA and new lithium ion systems can provide site flexibility 

  • Majority of battery energy can be guarded for primary function and only excess available for flexibility services
  • Replacement cost of older systems can be off-set
  • System health can be more accurately monitored

Remote Control and Monitoring Services

No impact on site operations and prioritisation of service to critical loads

  • Ability to withdraw individual machines or the site from grid service at anytime
  • Focus on site's critical loads to ensure machines' continue to perform their primary function
  • Encrypted external control commands and data sharing to minimize risk

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