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Comprehensive Busway services from Vertiv™ include a systematic preventive maintenance to detect and correct potential problems before they become major issues requiring expensive and time-consuming solutions. Our engineers perform visual and mechanical inspections, as well as electrical tests on all areas of busway. Maintenance also includes Thermography surveys using our industry qualified Thermographers.

  • Confidence that the busway is fit for purpose
  • Detection of potential faults, before supply losses are incurred
  • Infrared thermography is the ideal non-intrusive, predictive maintenance tool for identifying abnormal temperature distribution (which is invisible to the eye) enabling a potential fault to be found before a failure of a part, this in turn, can be a substantial cost saving
    • Visual inspection for signs of overheating, damaged parts or deterioration
    • Check support system integrity
    • Ductor test across all joints and re-torque (if necessary) and insulation resistance tests, phase to phase and phase to ground on each run (every 5 years)
    • Full inspection of tap of boxes (every 2 years)

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