Wintrust FP Converter
Wind power Wintrust full power converter and its optional accessories are designed for PSMS&SCIG generator system. It can realize variable-speed constant-frequency control for generator and obtain optimal electricity quality and efficiency.
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- Power Generation
Wintrust FP Converter
Wind power Wintrust full power converter and its optional accessories are designed for PSMS&SCIG generator system. It can realize variable-speed constant-frequency control for generator and obtain optimal electricity quality and efficiency.
- Power Generation
Wind power Wintrust full power converter and its optional accessories are designed for PSMS&SCIG generator system. It can realize variable-speed constant-frequency control for generator and obtain optimal electricity quality and efficiency(Total global installation more than 6000 units up to 10GW)
► Comply with global Grid Code requirements: GB/T19963-2011 E.on2006 DSL2009 etc ► High reliability and high value ► IGBT power unit Modularization ► Easy maintenance ►Support quick customize design ►Remote monitoring and download