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Vertiv™ Trinergy™
Power your world with robust reliability
Get ready to experience Vertiv’s most reliable, resilient and efficient UPS in its product class. Discover the capabilities that redefine industry standards, ensuring optimal performance and adaptability for the dynamic demands of advanced AI workloads. Elevate your infrastructure with Vertiv™ Trinergy™ – where power meets innovation.
Resilience built to last
Vertiv™ Trinergy™ packs a multi-module power line up in a single chassis that powers through faults and overloads like no other. Built on 40 years of reliability and a 14GW global installed base, it exceeds Tier IV data center power chain availability.
Powering AI innovation
Vertiv™ Trinergy™ is not just a power solution but the reliable driving force behind AI workloads. Easily support load volatility with lasting power, fewer starts and more uptime.
A flexible power giant
The streamlined design is extremely powerful, delivering the highest energy density in the industry. Addressing modern data center space constraints – Vertiv™ Trinergy™ will fit in seamlessly as your enterprise expands.
Request a demo
Come and experience Vertiv™ Trinergy™ today.
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White paper
Enhancing UPS reliability with the advantages of distributed battery systems
Unravel the intricacies of large modular Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) systems and shed light on the transformative role of distributed batteries. From the critical importance of UPS systems in maintaining power quality to the strategic nuances of redundancy configurations, this white paper navigates through key concepts with clarity.

White paper
Enabling uninterrupted power: Design for reliability in UPS systems
Learn and unlock the potential of uninterrupted performance and resilience with design for reliability (DFR) in UPS systems. By integrating comprehensive design principles, rigorous verifications, collaborative feedback, and advanced diagnostics, DFR enables maximum uptime, efficiency, and longevity. This insights paper shows the concepts of safeguarding critical operations against unexpected power disruptions, connecting the conceptual approach to evolving real-world developments and applications.