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Molti clienti si affidano ai reseller che sono partner di Vertiv per l’acquisto di prodotti ideali per le loro applicazioni IT. Affidati alle elevate competenze dei nostri partner che, grazie ai prodotti Vertiv, sono in grado di offrire soluzioni complete per infrastrutture e applicazioni IT: dalle specifiche alla vendita all’assistenza.

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Vertiv™ Priority Program:
Quick Solutions for Your Network Infrastructure

Get rapid optimising solutions for your data centre infrastructure with the Vertiv™ Priority Program. Discover the first set of network and server racks, Vertiv™  Knurr® MIR2 and Vertiv™ Knurr® DCM, to easily configure and accessorise based on your infrastructure needs.


Product Offering

Suffering from long-term deliveries and delays?

Take advantage of the Vertiv Priority Program and its rapid solutions using our configuration matrix.
Customise Vertiv Priority Program racks by choosing from over 1,000 configuration options and still meet delivery times for your priority projects.

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