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Digital Channel Summit EMEA 2020

Move forward. Move fast.

The Vertiv Digital Channel Summit is not over – Watch it on-demand

Whether you're a brand new Vertiv reseller or an established distribution partner, getting to market quicker has never been more important. These unprecedented times present obvious challenges, but also uncover many opportunities. Join the EMEA Vertiv Partners, who are shaping the future of the Data Center market virtually at the Vertiv Channel Summit 2020.


At this year's Channel Summit we will explore what lies ahead for the channel industry as a whole and also Vertiv leading into 2021. We will discuss about market trends and the opportunity for the channel, reveal new tools and resources that make it easier for your business to grow the way it deserves.

3 good reasons to join:
1) Country break-out sessions to get to know your local experts and promotions
2) 4 keynote sessions that will give you an edge!
3) Virtual Expo Area for detailed information on products & solutions


Missed the summit? No worries! You can still register now to watch the recorded keynotes, break-out sessions and visit the on-demand information materials available in the virtual expo. Fill in the short form below to request access to our summit platform.

Already registered? Click here to go to the event platform directly!

Featuring guest speakers from:


Agenda and Keynote speakers include:

Agenda Design.png

Missed the Summit? No worries!

Simply fill in the short form below to receive access to the on-demand content.

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