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Molti clienti si affidano ai reseller che sono partner di Vertiv per l’acquisto di prodotti ideali per le loro applicazioni IT. Affidati alle elevate competenze dei nostri partner che, grazie ai prodotti Vertiv, sono in grado di offrire soluzioni complete per infrastrutture e applicazioni IT: dalle specifiche alla vendita all’assistenza.

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The page you're viewing is for Italian (EMEA) region.

Overcoming IT power management challenges

Vertiv™ supports you in improving your uptime with a full range of innovative Liebert® uninterruptible power supplies (UPS) and future-proof, integrated UPS systems, that will cover the backup power needs of your IT infrastructure


Are you having these challenges managing IT infrastructure?

  • Predicting and Managing Infrastructure Costs
  • Delivering the Availability Needed for Critical IT Applications
  • Improving Power System Visibility and Intelligence
  • Obtaining Flexibility and Rapid Deployment

Predict and manage your operation costs, achieve a reliable and resilient power supplies, providing staff with ease of visibility into intelligent power systems. We have developed a method to help manage some of these challenges.

Learn how to overcome challenges

A Vertiv™ Liebert® 3-Phase UPS adapted to support you addressing every Challenge

The critical systems that sustain your business operations can't go down. Vertiv supports you in improving your uptime with a full range of innovative Liebert 3-phase uninterruptible power supplies (UPS) and future-proof, integrated UPS systems, that will cover the backup power needs of your IT infrastructure.

Let's start improving your infrastructure together

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