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Data Center 2025: How to prepare for Massive Growth at the Edge
ottobre 16, 2019
Listen to the on demand version

Data proliferation and application sprawl means edge of network computing locations will need to triple – or more – by 2025.

One in five participants in Vertiv’s Data Center 2025 survey said they expect a 400% or more increase in the number of edge sites they will be supporting in the next five years.

How do you plan to support and sustain that massive and uncertain future growth?

Martin Olsen, Vice President, Global Edge and Integrated Solutions, will talk about what he sees coming and how to prepare now: from efficiently deploying compute capacity in new far-flung locations, to keeping infrastructure costs in check with a shrinking IT workforce, to mitigating 5G’s voracious energy appetite. He’ll also talk about how to handle the management of disparate and far-flung facilities in the same timeframe that the IT workforce is contracting by as much as a third.



Martin Olsen
VP, Global Edge and Integrated Solutions

Martin is leading Vertiv’s global strategic efforts to deliver integrated physical infrastructure, deployment services, management and orchestration to support cloud computing at the edge of the network using Vertiv’s unmatched suite of hardware designs, services and gateway aggregation portfolio for autonomous data center operations and application telemetry.


David H. Hybels
Global Director of Analyst & Influencer Relations

David Hybels is the Global Director of Analyst & Influencer Relations strategy programs at Vertiv. His focus is expanding the AR program to include a larger sphere of super-connected influencers across all lines of business and verticals. He is aligned with market intelligence efforts across IoT, cloud/co-location, Edge, hyperscale, 5G and telco along with helping clarify the tangled buyer’s journey. Dave has developed an Executive Buddy Program that is driving co-influential engagement between Vertiv leadership and a network of key influencers. Dave joined Vertiv after running IBM’s Senior Executive Communications program and holding oversight for IBM’s entire global research budget. Before that, Dave re-ignited the Global AR program at Akamai and served in various capacities at PricewaterhouseCoopers and Putnam Investments.

Stay tuned for other Data Center 2025 Webinars:

Data Center 2025: Distributed edge meets a distributed grid

November 07, 2019


December 03, 2019

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