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Uninterruptible Power Supply

The uninterruptible power supply (UPS) systems protect your critical devices from downtime and data loss during power disturbances such as blackouts, brownouts, sags, surges or noise interference.

With their internal batteries, the UPS systems allow your servers, storage systems and network equipment to keep running when the primary power source fails. These systems come in various capacity and sizes – desktop to enterprise data center. They can be customized according to your desired level of capacity and redundancy.

To ensure higher availability, some UPS systems provide comprehensive analysis of the conditions of the batteries within the UPS systems and send notifications when the internal batteries need to be replaced. Some have bypass capabilities that allow scheduling of UPS maintenance without having to shutdown protected equipment.

Find the Vertiv UPS system to offer backup power and protection for your server, storage systems, network equipment and other critical devices. 

View Network, Server and Storage UPS Products

Related Links

Data Center and Facility UPS

Uninterruptible power supply (UPS) systems secure uptime of large data centers and provide facility-wide protection for sensitive electronics.

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When a power cut strikes at home, while it can be inconvenient, it is rarely the end of the world. But in a retail environment, an IT or power outage could spell disaster, leaving shops unable to fulfill their sole purpose – to trade.

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