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Experience, Expertise, Speed: Business Qualities that Make the Difference

Hibernia Networks selected Vertiv as its partner to design and build two fully integrated cable landing stations on each side of the Atlantic Ocean. These landing stations, completed in December of 2015, were built to connect Hibernia’s new submarine fiber highway, Hibernia Express – the first new transatlantic cable system deployed in over 12 years, providing the absolute lowest latency and additional high-performing global capacity.

Vertiv’s role in the launch included the design and build of several prefabricated modules assembled onsite to meet local requirements in Canada and the United Kingdom — the two global landing spots for Hibernia Express. But why did Hibernia Networks select Vertiv as its partner – and why should future customers do the same?


Vertiv’s understanding of the harsh oceanfront environment based on past cable landing station deployments was a key differentiator in Hibernia Network’s selection process. We also have a proven ability to deliver efficient, reliable cooling systems under such conditions.


Equipped with our expertise in prefabricated solutions, Hibernia Express’s safe and secure prefabricated landing stations are designed to achieve the industry’s highest standards for energy efficiency and power usage effectiveness.


Hibernia’s dual landing stations, deployed concurrently, were completed seven months from the start of work, which is more than 40% faster than the typical deployment time for traditional brick-and-mortar facilities.

During a selection process, what types of qualities do you look for in a potential business partner?

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