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Welcome to Middle East, Southeast Europe, Turkey & Central Asia Homepage

Tassos Peppas
Regional Director - MEETCA - Middle East, Southeast Europe, Turkey & Central Asia
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Vertiv’s deep expertise in data centers and critical infrastructure makes us a trusted partner for the Middle East, Southeast Europe, Turkey, and Central Asia as they navigate rapid digital transformation.

As AI adoption accelerates, we work closely with our customers to ensure today’s infrastructure investments are future-ready. From Dubai to Istanbul and Riyadh to Athens, our team leverages data-driven insights to design innovative, intelligent, and reliable solutions that simplify complexity and drive efficiency in next-generation digital ecosystems.

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Excecutives and Map

Meet the executives and find where we are

Tassos Peppas

Tassos Peppas

Regional Director – Middle East, Turkey & Central Asia, Vertiv

Mahmoud Abdelmoneim

Mahmoud Abdelmoneim

Sales Director – Middle East & Levant, Vertiv

Ian Paul

Ian Paul

Colo & Hyperscale Strategic Segments Director – Middle East, Turkey & Central Asia

Nassif Yazbeck

Nassif Yazbeck

Channel Sales Director – Middle East, Turkey & Central Asia, Vertiv

Harikrishnan Gopinathan

Esra Eray

HR Director

Yigit Guney

Yigit Guney

Senior Marketing Manager – Middle East, Turkey & Central Asia

Atilla Görmüş

Atilla Görmüş

Sales Director Turkey & Central Asia

Serkan Turgut

Serkan Turgut

Service Sales Director - METCA

Karmen Buljat

Karmen Buljat

Field Marketing Director - CEE

Maor Rautman

Maor Rautman

Legal counsel

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+971 510 4200

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Karsten Winter
Philip O’Doherty
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