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Don’t compromise availability for higher data center efficiency.

To overcome the increasing price of energy supply, in the last few years, different eco modes of operation have been representing interesting features in UPS technology. Nevertheless, most of these modes still serve as marketing hype rather than a concrete way of improving data center efficiency, as increased efficiency comes with drawbacks to load availability.

But, do you really need to trade-off availability for higher efficiency in a data center?

Vertiv has recently introduced new ways of efficiency improvement to the market which are contributing to reduce datacenters’ PUE to the minimum possible while still maintaining the highest levels of availability.


Dynamic Online Mode: No More Availability Trade-off with Efficiency

Our new Dynamic Online mode delivers high energy efficiency with near double-conversion power protection so you don’t need to trade one for the other.

Dynamic Online mode enables operating efficiency up to 99% without sacrificing availability: it is able to combine the superior availability of a double conversion operating mode with the excellent energy cost savings of a high efficiency mode for a reduced total cost of ownership. As an example, if you compare the cost of energy dissipated by a transformer free 1 MW UPS and the same UPS using Dynamic Online mode, the saving on the energy bill can surpass $ 15,000 per year.

High Efficiency Modes of Operation

The most common UPS topology currently used in the industry is double conversion; nevertheless, most UPS suppliers have introduced ECO Modes of operation to further increase the levels of efficiency of the UPS.

A UPS working in Dynamic Online mode can transfer safely from high efficiency mode (easily reaching 99% efficiency) to inverter mode with a 0 millisecond transfer, thus providing complete load power protection under any input power outage condition. This is the same output performance and power quality offered in standard double conversion UPS but with 60% reduced losses.

Featured Case Studies

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Revolutionizing Sweden's Data Landscape: Inside Conapto's Cutting...

mars 08, 2024 En savoir plus

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