Liebert PCW, Chilled Water Room Cooling Unit
Liebert PCW is the ideal chilled water cooling unit, providing an efficient solution for data center and server room air conditioning. This water cooling system is available in a wide variety of configurations and capacities, ranging from 200 kW to 6 MW.
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- Banking Financial and Insurance
- Broadcast and Entertainment
- Construction and Engineering
- Data CenterColocationHosting
- Government
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- Transportation
Liebert PCW, Chilled Water Room Cooling Unit
Liebert PCW is the ideal chilled water cooling unit, providing an efficient solution for data center and server room air conditioning. This water cooling system is available in a wide variety of configurations and capacities, ranging from 200 kW to 6 MW.
- Banking Financial and Insurance
- Broadcast and Entertainment
- Construction and Engineering
- Data CenterColocationHosting
- Government
- Manufacturing
- Telecom
- Transportation
Liebert PCW is the ideal chilled water cooling unit, providing an efficient solution for data center and server room air conditioning. This water cooling system is available in a wide variety of configurations and capacities, ranging from 200 kW to 6 MW.


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