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De nombreux clients travaillent avec un partenaire revendeur Vertiv pour acheter des produits Vertiv destinés à leurs applications informatiques. Les partenaires disposent d’une formation et d’une expérience approfondies et sont particulièrement bien placés pour spécifier, vendre et assurer le soutien de solutions informatiques et d’infrastructure complètes avec les produits Vertiv.

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Cooling deployed today, designed for tomorrow

Introducing the latest breakthrough in thermal management - the industry's first of its kind hybrid cooling technology suited for an AI-driven world. Deploy this hybrid cooling solution initially as either air or liquid cooling, and if the need arises, convert the unit in the field to support current business needs. Discover the industry's latest advancement
with Vertiv™ CoolPhase Flex.


Customize at scale, featuring Compass Datacenters

Learn about the collaborative partnership between Vertiv and Compass as they defined a new future together for the industry.


Vertiv and Compass Announce a Major Technological Innovation

We are excited to reveal the latest thermal technology in the data center industry. Read the announcement here!




Learn more today!

Contact a sales representative to find out how the Vertiv CoolPhase Flex can support your next AI deployment!

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The processing of my personal data for marketing purposes, including staying informed by email about industry trends, events, offers and product launches.

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Data Sheet

Discover the latest development in data
center flexibility!

With a rapidly changing data center landscape, it's proving difficult for owners and operators
to keep up with the latest requirements to support cutting-edge technologies... Until now.

Learn how the Vertiv CoolPhase Flex can benefit your business and prepare you for future
needs with a highly flexible, versatile, and efficient system.


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