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Featured Assessment Tool

At least 40 percent of your facilities must now be compliant with NERC’s PRC-024-2 standard and the deadline for 100 percent compliance is approaching quickly.

Download our free-to-use tool to easily assess your generator’s frequency and voltage protection relays and determine your facility's level of compliance with PRC-024-2.

PRC-025-1 Assessment Tool

Quickly assess the settings for your facility’s generator unit protection relays and develop a plan for meeting the requirements of NERC PRC-025-1 using this valuable tool from Vertiv’s Electrical Reliability Services team.

PRC-024-2 Assessment Tool

Download our free-to-use tool to easily assess your generator's frequency and voltage protection relays and determine your facility's level of compliance with PRC-024-2.


Download NERC Standard PRC-005-1.1b — Transmission and Generation Protection System Maintenance and Testing.


Download NERC Standard PRC-005-2(i) — Protection System Maintenance.

PRC-005-6 Standard

Download NERC Standard PRC-005-6 – Protection System, Automatic Reclosing, and Sudden Pressure Relaying Maintenance.

PRC-019-2 Standard

Download NERC Standard PRC-019-2 — Coordination of Generating Unit or Plant Capabilities, Voltage Regulating Controls, and Protection.

PRC-024-2 Standard

Download NERC Standard PRC-024-2 — Generator Frequency and Voltage Protective Relay Settings.

PRC-025-1 Standard

Download NERC Standard PRC-025-1 — Generator Relay Loadability.

Why Perform Preventive Maintenance?

Electrical equipment aging and deterioration is normal, but equipment failure is not inevitable.

eBook: Battery Maintenance Solutions for Critical Facilities

This eBook looks at consensus recommendations for preventive maintenance including industry standards from the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) and regulatory requirements specific to utilities as stipulated by the North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC).

White Paper: Using Loadability Studies to Comply with NERC PRC-025

This paper discusses a systematic process and quality assessment tool to evaluate initial compliance and streamline the assessment process.

White Paper: Configuring Microprocessor-Based Relay Systems for Maximum Value

This paper demonstrates how protection and integration engineers can utilize microprocessor-based relays to help utilities and industrial facilities obtain the greatest level of protection for their electrical systems.

Vertiv's compliance experts are available to help you understand NERC standards, plan needed changes, and execute the plan to ensure timely compliance.

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