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Pacific Seafood taps the quick ship program and sources a Liebert EXM UPS to solve power issues and maintain customer service.

avril 18, 2018


Pacific Seafood, founded in 1941, is a family-owned provider of seafood with 38 processing facilities along the Pacific Coast and distribution facilities in seven states. The company experienced a potentially crippling outage when a non-Vertiv UPS had failed, relegating Pacific Seafood's IT systems to operate on unprotected power. Calling on Veriv, they leveraged the power of the Quick Configure and Delivery program and selected, acquired and installed a Liebert EXM UPS in under 4 days.


  • Quickly ordered, delivered and installed failed UPS within four days,restoring IT operations.
  • Vertiv coordinated the installation and completed the UPS start-up ahead of schedule within a demanding timeline
  • Delighted the customer who expressed their gratitude to the entire teamfor responding fast with an excellent, economical solution.
Case Summary
Location:​ Portland, Oregon
Vertiv Services:
Download the Case Study

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