Travailler avec un représentant du fabricant Vertiv permet de configurer des conceptions complexes en fonction de vos besoins uniques. Si vous êtes une organisation à la recherche de conseils techniques sur un projet d’envergure, Vertiv peut vous fournir le soutien dont vous avez besoin.

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De nombreux clients travaillent avec un partenaire revendeur Vertiv pour acheter des produits Vertiv destinés à leurs applications informatiques. Les partenaires disposent d’une formation et d’une expérience approfondies et sont particulièrement bien placés pour spécifier, vendre et assurer le soutien de solutions informatiques et d’infrastructure complètes avec les produits Vertiv.

Trouver un revendeur

Vous savez déjà ce dont vous avez besoin? Vous recherchez la commodité de l’achat en ligne et de l’expédition? Certaines catégories de produits Vertiv peuvent être achetées auprès d’un revendeur en ligne.

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Besoin d’aide pour choisir un produit? Parlez à un spécialiste Vertiv hautement qualifié qui vous guidera vers la solution qui vous convient.

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Ensure Operational Stability and Performance with Legitimate Upgrades

If you’re considering purchasing Vertiv™ Liebert® three-phase uninterruptible power supplies (UPS) or any of our precision cooling solutions to optimize your data center performance , congratulations! You’ll gain powerful new capabilities that will protect your valuable data center equipment and help drive your business forward.

As you finalize your list of must-have maintenance requirements, here’s one item that’s critical to the operation of your system: Vertiv firmware. Installing timely, authorized firmware updates is critical to ensuring the ongoing stability and health of your equipment, as well as providing you with fast access to new features you’ll want to use.

Third Parties Cannot Install Legitimate Updates to Vertiv Solutions

However, first, a caution is in order: if you’re using third parties for other services, such as system maintenance and monitoring, be aware that they do not have access to Vertiv firmware to make authorized upgrades. As a consequence, your vendors may try and gain bootleg copies of these updates – or reverse-engineer them. Whatever their approach, these illegitimate patches could cause significant harm to the power and cooling solutions that protect your valuable data center equipment. Issues could include performance problems, outages, or even destruction of costly equipment if cooling and UPS solutions malfunction due to firmware instability.

Vertiv Both Manufactures and Updates Your Power and Cooling Equipment

Only Vertiv Customer Engineers (CEs) are authorized to install our firmware. Our CEs are factory-trained and original equipment manufacturer (OEM)-supported service providers who are skilled at using our proprietary service tools and software to install the updates you need to maintain optimal power and cooling equipment performance.

Here’s what you’ll gain when you work with our CEs:

  • Access to the latest OEM engineering support and product enhancements
  • Field safety notices and timely upgrades, in the event equipment safety issues develop
  • Proprietary documentation that describe the correct ways to install firmware upgrades – and what they’ll deliver
  • Ongoing proactive, quality installation of all the firmware upgrades you need to continuously enhance your UPS and cooling system capabilities
  • Greater operational stability and process improvements with tested and certified updates
  • Fast, efficient processes that will return equipment online as quickly as possible
Protect Your Equipment with Vertiv Firmware Updates

Think of firmware updates as an additional investment you make in driving data center performance. If you bought a brand-new Tesla, you likely wouldn’t take it to the corner service station for routine maintenance. You’d want a certified mechanic who understood that brand’s unique manufacturing processes, performance, components, and maintenance requirements to service your car. Similarly, a third-party may have minimal understanding of how Vertiv solutions are manufactured and maintained, and cause more harm than good as they try to update your solutions.

Want to learn more about how proactive, authorized firmware upgrades can benefit your business? Reach out to your local Vertiv service sales representative to learn more about our preventative maintenance options for your Vertiv power and cooling products.

Start today

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