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Future-Proof Data Center Rack Power Distribution with a Combination Outlet

Merle Seeman •

Vertiv™ Geist™ Upgradeable Rack PDUs with Combination Outlet C13/C19 Helps Teams Standardize Deployments

Data center, IT, and facilities teams – combined with the systems integrators who supply them – are scrambling to keep up with digital business demands. Not only are organizations building and leasing more data center space, but the technology footprint inside facilities’ four walls is also changing fast. In addition, they’re also rapidly extending edge networks to support digital customer experiences. As a result, teams are adding more density to racks across sites to support compute-intensive workloads, making rack-level power distribution even more important.

Whether they work for colocation providers or enterprises, these teams are grappling with how to plan for all of this growth. Servers, storage devices, and networking equipment typically gets refreshed every three to five years; however, rack power distribution units (rPDUs) can last much longer. As a result, these teams need to ensure that they can connect older rPDUs to the latest hardware, which increasingly require C19 high-power outlets rather than C13 lower-power ones.

How Combination Outlets Simplify Rack-Level Power Distribution Planning

Vertiv is pleased to announce that its Vertiv™ Geist™ Upgradeable Rack PDUs now come with a Combination Outlet C13/19, simplifying purchasing, inventory management and deployment.

Data center teams already value Vertiv Geist Upgradeable Rack PDUs for their ability to provide consistent distribution and offer a comprehensive view of power usage, visually at the rack and remotely. With intelligent monitoring and distribution capabilities, these PDUs help teams review power consumption on an ongoing basis and identify any issues proactively. By so doing, teams can prevent unintended downtime and ensure the high availability of digital services.

Now, the value Vertiv Geist Upgradeable Rack PDUs provides data center operators is even better. With the new Combination Outlet C13/19, teams can accomplish multiple goals including:

  • Future-proofing rack power distribution: The universal C13/C19 outlet on Vertiv Geist Upgradeable Rack PDUs can easily accommodate new rack configurations, eliminating the need to modify or replace rPDUs as rack densities increase. A standard Vertiv Geist Upgradeable Rack PDUs can support up to 48 Combination Outlets C13/19, providing teams with room to grow.

  • Simplifying purchasing processes: Teams no longer have to consider and correlate rPDU specifications against IT cabinets. They can simply buy Vertiv Geist Upgradeable Rack PDUs with Combination Outlet C13/C19 for all of their rack-level power requirements, supporting equipment with both C14 and C20 plugs more flexibly.

  • Reducing equipment costs: By using Vertiv Geist Upgradeable Rack PDUs with Combination Outlet C13/C19, data center teams can reduce the total cost of ownership of rack-level power distribution. They can maximize the lifespans of rPDUs, stop overprovisioning equipment, and eliminate the need to buy power adapters to support equipment with C14 and C20 plugs.

  • Standardizing equipment deployments: Teams can deploy Vertiv Geist Upgradeable Rack PDUs with Combination Outlet C13/C19 across an entire data center or network of facilities. By so doing, they can simplify purchasing, inventory management and deployment processes.

  • Prevent accidental downtime due to human error: Power outages due to human error are the bane of data center operations. Yet the reality is that they occur more frequently than not. The Uptime Institute Data Center Survey 2020 found that 75 percent of all outages were preventable with better configuration or management processes.

The Combination Outlet C13/C19 on Vertiv Geist Upgradeable Rack PDUs helps prevent human error with operational processes three ways. First, the outlets are color-coded by circuit for instant identification. Second, the outlets are P-locks™ compatible, providing a secure locking function when P-locks™ cords are used. Third, even if purchasers don’t opt for P-locks™, the high-retention outlets will help prevent accidental disconnection of power cords.


When it comes to planning for digital growth, much is uncertain. As a result, data center, IT and facilities teams want to build greater flexibility into their business and operational models.

Standardizing rack-level power distribution with Vertiv Geist Upgradeable Rack PDUs with Combination Outlet C13/C19 provides teams with the peace-of-mind that they can support fast-changing business needs. They gain a single solution they can use across data centers, edge sites, and networks that’s simple to order, use, and manage. In addition, they can reduce the risk of accidental downtime due to plug disconnections from outlets, helping provide the high availability today’s digital services require.

Future-proof rack-level power distribution today.

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