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Championing the fight against Childhood Cancer: Vertiv, NC4K, and the Columbus Crew unite for a heart-warming superhero night at Field

Vincent Ocran •

Collaborating in the Fight Against Childhood Cancer

We are thrilled to have collaborated again this year with NC4K and the Columbus Crew in our efforts to fight childhood cancer. Founded by Nellie Corriveau at the young age of 16, NC4K is a non-profit organization dedicated to serving the families of children living with or undergoing treatment for cancer. For over 17 years, NC4K has fulfilled their mission to support kids fighting cancer by providing financial and emotional support, and playful events for pediatric cancer families living in or being treated in the state of Ohio.

Together, we organized an exciting event at Field, celebrating the children as superheroes in their fight against cancer. Through this partnership, Vertiv reinforced its commitment to the community, working hand in hand with NC4K in the relentless fight against childhood cancer.

Superhero Night presented by Vertiv, NC4K and the Columbus Crew

On September 30th, 2023, guests were invited to participate in a great cause at Field, home of the Columbus Crew by taking the opportunity to leave their mark on a mural that will be displayed for years at NC4K. The mural, designed by talented local artist Adam Hernandez, became a canvas for individuals to express their support and love for those who battle childhood cancer. Families, friends, and Crew fans of all ages gathered around to color the mural. Field’s Chase Plaza was transformed into a carnival-like atmosphere, teaming with laughter and camaraderie, all in the name of a brighter future for children fighting cancer.

The highlight of the evening was the distribution of over 10,000 superhero pennants, that weren't just colorful pieces of fabric, but symbols of strength, courage, and unity. They reminded us that we can all be heroes in our own way.


Vertiv’s President of Americas, Anand Sanghi Flips the Coin

As the evening of fun games and camaraderie unfolded, the anticipation for the Crew's match against Philadelphia grew. As 20,456 eager fans waited for the match to begin, Anand Sanghi, President of Americas at Vertiv, stepped onto the field to perform the official coin toss.

Superhero Night was more than just a simple event; it was a testament to the power of community and compassion. It showcases how a sports stadium can become a platform for unity, how a corporation can champion a cause, and how a city can come together to support those in need.


Concluding an Inspiring Night of Camaraderie

In the fight against childhood cancer, Vertiv, the Columbus Crew, NC4K, and the entire Columbus community demonstrated their unwavering commitment. Together, we painted a picture of hope and resilience that will remain eternally vivid on the mural and, more importantly, in the hearts of everyone who took part in this incredible evening. The evening proved that superheroes don't always wear capes; sometimes, they hold a marker and stand united for a noble cause.


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