Liebert STS2 ST 250A
Automatic Switching Between Critical Loads and Two Independent UPS Systems
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- Data Center/Colocation/Hosting
- Banking
- Financial and Insurance
- Government
- Healthcare
- Retail and Wholesale
- Education
Liebert STS2 ST 250A
Automatic Switching Between Critical Loads and Two Independent UPS Systems
- Data Center/Colocation/Hosting
- Banking
- Financial and Insurance
- Government
- Healthcare
- Retail and Wholesale
- Education


The Liebert® STS2 from Vertiv is making it easier to protect your critical equipment by giving your single cord loads the reliability of dual cord power or by providing added redundancy to your dual cord devices. With a single, space-saving unit, the Liebert STS2 static transfer switch provides automatic switching between two different AC power sources. The Liebert STS2 is available in 100A, 250A, 400A, 600A, 800A, 1000A, 1200A, 1250A, 1400A, 1600A, 1800A and 1850A systems, in both 60Hz and 50Hz. Multiple input voltages are available. Designed for use in dual-bus power applications, this solution combines fast switching between AC power sources, power isolation, monitoring and grounding into a single package.
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