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Felix Telecom Strengthens Security by Upgrading Network Infrastructure in Romania

julio 11, 2024


When a pivotal organization in the Romanian public sector contacted Felix Telecom to upgrade its communications and surveillance equipment, they chose Vertiv to help accomplish this goal.   

The two partners upgraded the organization’s telecommunication network with new power technology and supporting infrastructure, including AC-powered data and security equipment and DC-powered radio equipment.   


  • Installed the Vertiv™ NetSure™ Inverter System at 300 sites over six months
  • Gained a minimum of four hours of battery backup, with 500W of AC load and 3 kW of DC load
  • Implemented a space-saving solution that can easily be extended in the future
  • Created a repeatable concept that will now be used in other countries
Case Summary

Bucharest, Romania

Critical Need:

As security operations require continual equipment availability, the organization sought to deploy a power distribution solution that would provide battery backup capabilities when local utilities experienced unplanned downtime. Additionally, the organization sought to rapidly deploy a converged network while also minimizing costs. 

Vertiv Solution:

Vertiv™ NetSure™ Inverter System


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