Liebert eXM 80kW - 200kW
Small and medium sized businesses need UPS solutions that deliver lower first costs and ongoing operational savings, high reliability, and enable speed and flexibility in a dynamic IT environment. Vertiv’s commitment is to deliver the most technologically advance product for our customer’s mission critical applications, is once again reiterated by our next generation UPS series Liebert eXMTM
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- Banking, Financial and Insurance
- Education
- Government
- Healthcare
- Retail and Wholesale
- Telecom
Liebert eXM 80kW - 200kW
Small and medium sized businesses need UPS solutions that deliver lower first costs and ongoing operational savings, high reliability, and enable speed and flexibility in a dynamic IT environment. Vertiv’s commitment is to deliver the most technologically advance product for our customer’s mission critical applications, is once again reiterated by our next generation UPS series Liebert eXMTM
- Banking, Financial and Insurance
- Education
- Government
- Healthcare
- Retail and Wholesale
- Telecom
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