These last years have shown the importance of women in the field of technology. Their attitudes, perseverance and performance on the job have allowed them to hold senior management positions.
Yahaira Machicao
Human Resources Manager, Peru, Vertiv
As a woman, and, more importantly, as a person, what has always inspired me as long as I can remember is setting goals for myself and pursuing them until I achieve them. Looking back, I was never aware along the way that it might be harder because I was a woman. Some years ago, when I started to take on leadership positions, I had to deal on several occasions with bias related to age. To summarize how I approached it, I’d like to quote Victor Küppers: Life = (Knowledge + Experience) x Attitude.
Magdalena Mardones
Channel Sales Manager, Chile, Vertiv
I am the type of person who doesn’t put her cell phone aside; it’s like my right hand. Ever since smartphones came out, I’ve been up-to-date on cell phones, operation systems and applications. This led me to think a bit beyond where it was all stored—signal, latency, among other things—and it made me realize that there’s a whole world behind them, say for example data centers. The jobs I used to have were in business development and marketing but in different avenues, and then came an opportunity to work with Vertiv. Although I had no experience in the field of technology, it really caught my attention, especially when you consider where this world is headed. I applied, got it, and never looked back.
My advice for the younger generation is to never give up, to always give it your best, to never underestimate yourself, and to show your skills. It is a great and entertaining area to work in. You never stop learning and there’s always new technologies emerging.
Camila Velloso
Operations Manager, Brazil, Vertiv
What attracted me to be part of the tech world was a desire to be a part of world change and global trends.
I’m in the field of operations, and ever since I was a young woman, I always thought that I needed to be the strongest personality in the room to earn my place. Over time, I came to realize that it was a trap. I wasn’t being true to my beliefs and was only following a behavior that is uncommon in my position. Once I realized this, I started to listen to myself and resort to different techniques to reach my goals and upgrade operations. In my opinion, being a good professional, be that male or female, isn’t about emotions, but showing results.
Verónica Ortega
Channel Sales Manager, Mexico, Vertiv
Stories of all kinds are what inspire me as a woman; those I find in books, movies, those you hear about from word of mouth about men and women making a difference around them; stories my children tell me, which make me stand in awe of the lack of prejudice and fear with which they see the world. I’m also greatly inspired by learning new things that sometimes don’t really relate to my career, such as programming or a literature workshop.
The biggest challenge was definitely reconciling my desire for professional growth doing meaningful work with my wish to have a family. I don’t think this is the type of situation you fix once and for all. It’s a process of constant adaptation. Here are some of the things that worked for me:
- Be realistic. Don’t try to be superwoman. They say it takes a village to raise a child, so I’ve made my own village with the help of my mother, brother and great friends who have offered me support at different times.
- I try to make my children understand that work isn’t in any way sacrifice. It’s my way of taking care of them and something I really enjoy. It makes me grow and, most of all, it makes me very happy. I really hope my children especially my daughter grow up knowing that you don’t have to choose one or the other.
- Lastly, try to be flexible. Circumstances change on a daily basis and you need to adapt. It was hard for me to understand that, although it may seem impossible, you don’t need to give up on a goal. You just need to change plans and perhaps go back to the drawing board to reach your goal.
Saida Ortiz
Country Manager, Colombia and Ecuador, Vertiv
What attracts me to the tech world is the speed of change, the possibility of learning on a daily basis, and the solutions that come from using creativity, development, algorithms, and/or hardware or software applications that, in the end, seek to improve the quality of human life.
The biggest challenge was to come to direct equipment in the tech world, both in Colombia and other countries in Europe and Latin America, with a degree in Psychology. Of course, I had to study Software Engineering and Renewable Energy to become more competitive, which allowed me to further my career more efficiently. At times the bias due to gender, profession, ethnicity, and many others may be tough (but not impossible) obstacles to overcome. To do so, of course, education, experience and trust in others are ways to take on these obstacles and show what one is truly capable of, despite any restrictions or paradigms.
I’d tell young women to think in terms of equity and ability. We have the same chances of success as men. It’s important to take advantage of the present conditions, which have made society more sensitive to diversity and allow us slightly better positions, while also highlighting the need for symmetry and equity in the professional and social spheres.
Yadira Suárez
Channel Marketing Director, Latin America
I’d advise young women not to let stereotypes slow them down. If it’s something that they are passionate about and think they can do it, do it. Many times, I’ve asked myself, “is this something I can do? I don’t know! Just give it a shot!” Every time I’ve done it, I’ve realized one can do anything. It’s just a matter of time, effort and attitude.
Get out of your comfort zone and try new things. Don’t be afraid to take risks. You don’t need to have it all worked out before you take the first step to your dreams. Trust in your intuition, believe in yourself, in your abilities, and take advantages of the opportunities you are given.
Another piece of advice is to think outside of the box to bring new ideas to the table. If they don’t work out, try and try again. The world is fast-paced, so innovation is welcome and failure is acceptable. You should also build a network; the more people you know, the more you learn and the more exposure you get. You may find that great patron who can help guide your career or make friends for life. Help each other. Don’t ever be too busy to help your colleagues. Helping others is a way to help yourself.